Full Show Notes. Introduction Timestamps: 00:00 - 1:20 Segment 1: 1:22 - 8:17 First, I want to give you an update on how Rosy is doing since I wrote the blog, #106 telling you about her diagnosis of cancer. Segment 2: 8:20 - 32:23 Then, I have heard that it is not...

Raising Your Paws
(Episode #104) How To Lessen Dog’s and Cat’s Stress & The Best Game to Play with Your Dog.
Full Show Notes: Introduction Timestamps: 00:00 - 1:18 Segment 1: 1:21 - 2:42 Have you tried to take photos of your cat in low light? If so, you’ll know that most often the pictures show their eyes as being just bright shining yellow circles. Why is this? I’ll...
(Episode #103) Solve Common Cat Behavior Problems & Should A Dog Have to Heel?
Full Show Notes. Introduction Timestamps: 00:00 - 1:20 Segment 1: 1:20 - 5:29 In this week’s creature feature stories, hear about two dogs who volunteered for the postal service and loved their work. Segment 2: 5:30 - 28:54 Do you wonder how you can stop your cat from...
(Episode #101) Dog Heroes of 9-11.
Full Show Notes. Introduction Timestamps: 00:00 - 1:27 Segment 1: 1:29 - 43:59 Did you know that over 200 dogs helped alongside the emergency personnel at Ground Zero, the Pentagon and the Land Fill where debris was taken? These dogs worked tirelessly to search the...
(Episode #99 – replay ep. 12) How to Quiet Your Dog’s Warning Bark & Why Dogs May Misbehave More With Women.
Full Show Notes. Introduction Timestamps: 00:00 - 01:15 Segment 1: 1:18 - 3:06 Sometimes, someone has got to step in between others to avoid a fight. It may be your dog that does this. I’ll explain this dog signal called “splitting” and reveal how you can use this...
(Episode #98) How Women Can Get Dogs to Listen to Them & How to Solve Barking Problems.
Full Show Notes for this Episode. Introduction Timestamps: 00:00 - 01:25. Segment 1: 1:27 - 8:38 In this “Best Of” Replay show, we’ll start by talking about barking. Different sounding barks communicate different emotions and needs. If you’re trying to reduce your...
(Episode # 97) Why Dogs Jump Up On People & How to Help Your Vet Who Helps Your Pets.
Full Show Notes. Introduction Timestamps: 00:00 - 01:13 Segment 1: 01:15 - 09:46 Do you like it or hate it when your dog wants to jump up on you when they greet you? Why do dogs want to jump up on people anyway? There are two reasons I’ll tell you about. If you want...
(Episode # 96) How to Ward off Dogs Intent on Attacking Your Dog & Stopping Your Cat from Dashing out Doors.
Full Show Notes. Introduction Timestamps : 00:00 - 01:09 Segment 1: 01:13 - 06:50 Who is the most famous dog in the world? It may surprise you to know, he isn’t even real yet he says words that we, human beings would often like to say. In today’s creature feature...
(Episode #95) What to do about Cat Hairballs & You Can Help Prevent Dog Bites by Doing These Two Things.
Full Show Notes. Introduction Timestamps: 00:00-01:00 Segment 1: 01:03 - 08:11 Do you wonder exactly why cats get hairballs and if there is anything you can do to reduce the amount that form in your cat’s stomach and then get thrown up exactly when and where you most...
(Episode #93) Why Cats Yowl and What to Do About It & How to Earn Your Dog’s Respect.
Full Show Notes for the Episode. Introduction Timestamps: 00:00 - 01:17 Segment 1: 01:20 - 10:42 Does your cat start yowling or meowing excessively in the early mornings or late at night? This can be very annoying, I know. Why do cats make this loud, piercing sound...
(Episode #92 – Replay of Ep. 49) Reasons Cats Bully Other Cats & Why Eight-Month-Old Puppies Forget Their Manners & Training.
Full Show Notes for the Episode. Introduction Timestamps: 00:00 - 01:16 Segment 1: 01:18 - 09:10 Does one of your cats bully other cats in the house hold? When human bullies torment other people, it seems like the reasons for doing so, is that they take delight in...
(Episode #91) Remedy Separation Anxiety in Cats & What to Look For To Find a Good Dog Trainer.
Full Show Notes for the episode. Introduction Timestamps: 00:00 - 01:16 Segment one: 1:20 - 6:18 Can cats experience separation anxiety when they are left alone more as we return to working outside the home? Yes, they can. I’ll explain how they may exhibit anxiety and...
(Episode #90) Tips for Effectively Training Small Dogs & When Hiring A Dog Trainer Is the Best Solution.
Full Show Notes for episode 90. Introduction Timestamps: 00:00 - 01:21 Segment 1: 1:23 - 9:48 The difference in effectively training large versus small dogs, has more to do with your technique and what is required from you, rather than their abilities. The mechanics...
(Episode #86) How Dog’s Behavior Reflects Our Emotions & All The Reasons That Cats Groom Themselves.
Full show notes for the episode. Introduction Timestamps: 00:00 - 01:00 Segment 1: 01:02 - 06:05 In today’s creature feature, you'll hear three stories from England about cats bringing presents home to their humans – but not the dead rodents you would normally...
(Episode #85) Relieve Your Dogs Boredom During the Pandemic & Do Cats Dream?
Full Show Notes for the Episode Introduction Timestamps: 00:00 - 01:20 Segment 1: 01:23 - 06:59 For this show’s Creature Feature, you’ll hear three stories about a few dogs who ate unbelievable things – to the point that it is hard to swallow....
(Episode #84) How to Survive a Dog Attack and the Colors Your Cat Sees.
Full Show Notes for the episode. (this is a replay of episode 37) Introduction Timestamps: 00:00 - 01:16 Segment 1: 01:20 - 09:33 Do cats see in color? How does your cat’s eyes show you its mood? You’d think that cats have really good vision – but the truth...
(Episode #82) New Stories about Rocket, the Children’s Hospital Dog & Reduce Feelings of Fear in Cats.
Full Show Notes for this Episode. Introduction Timestamps: 00:02 - 01:32 Segment 1: 01:35 - 03:56 To start this episode, I’ll tell you another creature feature - short, true stories about animals. Do you remember the part in the movie, The Wizard of OZ when Toto and...
(Episode #81) What Triggers My Dog to Fight with Other Dogs & Stories of People and Pets Rescuing Each Other.
Full Show Notes. (Feature photo - Mike and Abbie, from one of the Mutual Rescue™ stories. Photo credit: Christopher Briscoe) Introduction Timestamps: 00:00 - 1:05 Segment 1: 1:07 - 13:54 Does your dog ever initiate scrapes or scuffles with another dog? All of...