A family like no other!

Choice NutriSource PureVita Element Series
pet store icon

We are committed to independent pet stores.

You won’t find our foods in mega pet stores because we believe innovation thrives in independent stores, where the focus is on health and nutrition.

NutriSource Formula Finder

Does your dog or cat have specific dietary needs? Let us help you find the NutriSource diet that best fits your pet.

Choice NutriSource PureVita Element Series

NutriSource SuperStars

NutriSource SuperStars
Giving Program

SuperStars are go-getters, givers and life-changers. At NutriSource, we want to help these SuperStars shine bigger and brighter, so they have the resources they need to do the good they do. We give because we’re grateful for our success. We know we wouldn’t be successful without you. And we want to direct that into causes to care about.

Learn more about the causes we support and how you can be part of our giving.

NutriSource Reviews

Hear what others are saying! 

Erica A.
I would just like to comment on the quality of your product. It is far superior to other well known brands, and I feel like I am making the right choice for my cats' nutrition by choosing NutriSource. My cats absolutely love it and they appear to be much more active and playful than regular brands where they tend to become lethargic. I will definitely be buying this brand from now on for my five cats ...
Amanda B.
I just wanted to say that this dog food is amazing! I have gone through 2 different brands of dog food and had issues with both. Seem hungry, stomach issues, bad breath, itchy, you name it. The minute I put this in the bowl, they gobble it right up! ...

Our Story

We are three generations of families located in Perham, Minnesota producing healthy pet foods since 1964. We exemplify the heart of small towns everywhere: compassion, integrity, and a deep-rooted sense of community guide our choices.

NutriSource Pet Foods – People