NutriSource Blogs

NutriSource Blogs

Is your cat happy living with you?

Is your cat happy living with you?

When we decide to welcome a cat into our homes, we’re hoping for a great relationship. What we want is to give our feline friends the best life possible. Naturally, you wonder: Do felines bond with their humans? If so, how can you tell that it’s happened? While every cat has a different personality — some are aloof while others are purring snuggle bugs — understanding the nature of feline love can help you decode your cat’s heart.

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Food energetics and rotational feeding: A quick guide for canines

Food energetics and rotational feeding: A quick guide for canines

As you practice rotational feeding, you’re probably focused on making sure your dog is getting a full slate of animal proteins. You might serve a chicken recipe one day (or week, depending on how many bags of food you like to rotate at a time), and a salmon recipe the next. But if your dog is feeling hot or chilly, you can also use the theories of food energetics as a guide to see if that provides some relief.

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What’s the best dog food for picky eaters?

What’s the best dog food for picky eaters?

Your trusty bag of kibble has a lot of good stuff to help your dog build a healthy body (especially if you’re sticking to a high-quality brand). But if you’re looking to round out your dog’s diet, incorporating wet entrees into the rotation is good for dogs. Carton (Tetra Pak) and canned dinners offer a hearty, savory, aroma-rich meal for your pet that makes dinnertime more enjoyable.

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Probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics for dogs: Why you need all three

Probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics for dogs: Why you need all three

As a pet parent, you want to do everything possible to provide your dog with the healthy lifestyle they deserve. You buy high-quality food for overall health and wellness. You lookout for great new enrichment activities for mental stimulation. You may even have a doggy playdate lined up to keep their social skills sharp.

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Why do dogs give kisses? Should you let them?

Why do dogs give kisses? Should you let them?

Why do dogs lick people? They lick because they love. Licking is normal dog behavior, and dogs do it to express their joy in seeing you walk in the door, to offer comfort when they think you’re sad, and to show their love and devotion. As long as you’re aware of germ theory, dog kisses are harmless and not a sign of anything amiss with your pet.

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Probiotics and Postbiotics for dogs: A quick guide to using them to solve gut issues

Probiotics and Postbiotics for dogs: A quick guide to using them to solve gut issues

When your dog is having issues, like runny stools, picky eating, or itchy skin, it’s time for a gut check. Because did you know that 70% of your pet’s immune system cells reside in their gut? When you’re creating a healthy lifestyle for your furry friends, building and maintaining gut health is a natural place to start. Gut health makes a big difference in your pet’s ability to fight off infections and viruses. And it also affects how they look and smell.

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What are the 7 major dog groups? Your dog’s core traits revealed

What are the 7 major dog groups? Your dog’s core traits revealed

What makes your dog tick? And how do you know if a dog has the potential to be a good fit with your family? A great place to start is thinking about the job the dog was bred to do. Based on the physical and personality traits of the 195 breeds recognized by the AKC, most fall under one of the seven major dog groups. These seven major dog groups are working, herding, hound, sporting, non-sporting, terrier, and toy.

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Can my dog eat that? Avoid messy surprises with our guide to holiday foods

Can my dog eat that? Avoid messy surprises with our guide to holiday foods

Wondering which human holiday foods are safe for dogs? Keeping an eye on portion sizes, along with knowing which ingredients are safe for dogs, is how you can do it safely — and avoid a mess in the house or the yard later. Stay away from high fat foods that can irritate your dog’s gut and result in unwanted messes in the house and yard. Also, be aware of foods that are toxic and even poisonous to dogs.

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Teddy Bear dog breeds: Get to know them

Teddy Bear dog breeds: Get to know them

The term “Teddy Bear dog” evokes an instant mental image of small, soft, snuggly and adorable. Their fur might be trimmed to make them look even more like a stuffed animal, with rounded shapes that highlight their button noses and bright eyes. In short, they’re the kind of dogs that make even the most hard-hearted of us want to start baby-talking.

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Is wet food good for dogs?

Is wet food good for dogs?

Your trusty bag of kibble has a lot of good stuff to help your dog build a healthy body (especially if you’re sticking to a high-quality brand). But if you’re looking to round out your dog’s diet, incorporating wet entrees into the rotation is good for dogs. Carton (Tetra Pak) and canned dinners offer a hearty, savory, aroma-rich meal for your pet that makes dinnertime more enjoyable.

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