A family like no other!

Choice NutriSource PureVita Element Series
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We are committed to independent pet stores.

You won’t find our foods in mega pet stores because we believe innovation thrives in independent stores, where the focus is on health and nutrition.

NutriSource Formula Finder

Does your dog or cat have specific dietary needs? Let us help you find the NutriSource diet that best fits your pet.

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Choice NutriSource PureVita Element Series

NutriSource SuperStars

NutriSource SuperStars
Giving Program

SuperStars are go-getters, givers and life-changers. At NutriSource, we want to help these SuperStars shine bigger and brighter, so they have the resources they need to do the good they do. We give because we’re grateful for our success. We know we wouldn’t be successful without you. And we want to direct that into causes to care about.

Learn more about the causes we support and how you can be part of our giving.

NutriSource Reviews

Hear what others are saying! 


I have 3 dogs, 2 Labs, ages 10 and 8, and a Shih-Poo, age 14. The Labs have been raised on NutriSource, and the Shih-Poo was formerly a very finicky eater until I started feeding her NutriSource. I'm happy to report that all 3 dogs are extremely healthy ...


We just want to give a shout out to NutriSource!  We adopted a rescue pup three years ago from WV.  To our surprise, he arrived Parvo positive and then survived!  His digestive system is compromised to say the least.  Since switching to NutriSource 10 months ago, we have had to decrease his daily feedings to compensate for the fact that he is no longer vomiting while on your high quality food.  We have since switched our 6 year old golden, 10 month old Landseer Newf and cats to your brand.  We also had a flea free summer without chemicals!   We are believers!  Keep up the good work ...

Our Story

We are three generations of families located in Perham, Minnesota producing healthy pet foods since 1964. We exemplify the heart of small towns everywhere: compassion, integrity, and a deep-rooted sense of community guide our choices.

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Is your cat happy living with you?

Is your cat happy living with you?

When we decide to welcome a cat into our homes, we’re hoping for a great relationship. What we want is to give our feline friends the best life possible. Naturally, you wonder: Do felines bond with their humans? If so, how can you tell that it’s happened? While every cat has a different personality — some are aloof while others are purring snuggle bugs — understanding the nature of feline love can help you decode your cat’s heart.

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Food energetics and rotational feeding: A quick guide for canines

Food energetics and rotational feeding: A quick guide for canines

As you practice rotational feeding, you’re probably focused on making sure your dog is getting a full slate of animal proteins. You might serve a chicken recipe one day (or week, depending on how many bags of food you like to rotate at a time), and a salmon recipe the next. But if your dog is feeling hot or chilly, you can also use the theories of food energetics as a guide to see if that provides some relief.

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What’s the best dog food for picky eaters?

What’s the best dog food for picky eaters?

Your trusty bag of kibble has a lot of good stuff to help your dog build a healthy body (especially if you’re sticking to a high-quality brand). But if you’re looking to round out your dog’s diet, incorporating wet entrees into the rotation is good for dogs. Carton (Tetra Pak) and canned dinners offer a hearty, savory, aroma-rich meal for your pet that makes dinnertime more enjoyable.

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