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Raising Your Paws

Selected Category: Dog Care
When the Diagnosis is Canine Cancer. (Blog #106)

When the Diagnosis is Canine Cancer. (Blog #106)

I’d like to tell you what has been going on with Rosy since I wrote about her emergency  surgery. I got the biopsy back from when they took out her spleen and she does have cancer. It’s visceral hemangiosarcoma – the kind that affects the internal organs.  There is no...

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When A Dog Acts Unusually Ill, Take it Seriously (Blog # 102)

When A Dog Acts Unusually Ill, Take it Seriously (Blog # 102)

There was something wrong with Rosy. Sunday morning, upon waking up, instead of trotting by my side in her usual manner to the kitchen, Rosy wouldn’t get out of bed.  She never needs prompting to go to outside and to eat breakfast. When she slowly made her way to me,...

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Reasons to Get a Small Breed Dog. (Blog # 89)

Reasons to Get a Small Breed Dog. (Blog # 89)

Nine reasons to get a small breed dog. By no means do I want you to think that I prefer small dogs to larger ones. I don’t. I think all dogs can be wonderful and admire all sizes, breeds and mixed mutts.  My dog Rosy is a medium sized mix of Shetland Sheepdog, German...

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How to Prevent Your Dog From Antifreeze Poisoning. (Blog #83)

How to Prevent Your Dog From Antifreeze Poisoning. (Blog #83)

When A Dog's Sweet Tooth And Cars Collide. Dogs like sweet things. They have taste buds that detect sugars just like we do. You can hear all about cats and dogs taste buds and what they taste compared to you, in the first segment, "How Good are Pet's Taste Buds" in...

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Why Exactly Does My Cat Have To Scratch on Things? (Blog #78)

Why Exactly Does My Cat Have To Scratch on Things? (Blog #78)

It's always good to visit the issue of a cats need to scratch. Since they will always do this and much conflict occurs when your feline chooses your favorite chair,  it's best to fully understand this behavior. It is a common belief that when your cat scratches the...

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How to Increase Your Dog’s Happiness. (Blog #76)

How to Increase Your Dog’s Happiness. (Blog #76)

Get them SEEKING more. This is one of the core emotion systems in your dogs brain. In your's as well by the way. The SEEKING system is a combination of emotions -  wanting, looking, curiosity. Overall,  it makes us and our dogs feel happy.  In this week's episode of...

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Top Two Things to Do With Newly Adopted Pets

(Photo Credit: ''A Sound Beginning") Above is the segment from Twin Cities Live where Susan and Elizabeth discussed Pet Adoption. As exciting an occasion it is to bring home a newly adopted pet, it can be a very stressful experience for the dog or cat with everything...

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