Results of Smiling Dog Photos Submissions.
Thank you to all the people who responded to my request for photos of dogs that looked as if they were smiling during the month of March, 2020. Do dogs really smile as we do, to show happiness or communicate good intent? Well…. that expression they sometimes get on their face is not really quite the same. The closest thing to a human’s open smiling mouth in a canine, is what animal behaviorist’s call the “open mouth play face” seen in some breeds when the dogs are happy, relaxed, at play or content. Of course this does not stop us, from saying our dog’s are most definitely smiling. It sure looks like it doesn’t it? Both of these photos are Super Cooper who is an Australian Shepherd. Congratulations to his human, Alissa from Menahga, Minnesota.Here is Luna, a mixed breed Border Collie/Greyhound and Emma, an English Golden Retriever. Congrats to John from Perham, Minnesota who is the proud human of both dogs.
Who doesn’t like an upside down smile. Very nice teeth. This is Tank, an Anatolian/German shepherd mix. Congratulations to his human, Susan from Cottage Grove, Oregon.
All the dogs have won a free large bag of NutriSource Pet foods. The humans will receive a coupon so they can take their dogs on a field trip to their closest independent dealer and let their dogs select which flavor of bag smells the best.
Full Show Notes For Raising Your Paws Podcast Episode 65.
Title: A Dog with Extraordinary Skills Helping Children & Reassurances about Cats and Covid-19. We have a new logo for the podcast! You’ll see it appearing on all the podcast platforms, apps and on the Raising Your Paws website soon. Let me know what you think of the new art work by writing me at or better yet, leave a comment below.

First in the show, have you heard about the zoo wild cats or domestic cats overseas that are reported to have tested positive to Covid – 19? Are you worried that this means your kitty can get sick and even transmit the virus to you? The American Veterinary Medical Association has the latest information and detailed stories about these felines and in this segment, I summarize their findings for your reassurance.
Next, NutriSource Pet Foods, donated $250.000 thousand dollars to a children’s hospital in Minneapolis in 2019 in order to select, train and place on staff, a dog who would assist children and their families as they go through challenging, and often traumatic medical journeys in the hospital. This Golden retriever is named Rocket and you’re going to hear from his partner and handler, Anna Dressel, a child life specialist at M Health Fairview University of Minnesota Masonic Children’s Hospital, the stories of how he unexplainably senses people’s emotions and then offers his unique canine comfort.
Here again, is the video of Rocket at the hospital in case you haven’t seen it yet.