Raising Your Paws - Your Pet Parent Resource

004 Why Your Dog Loves Playing Tug & Another Need-to-Know Truth About Cats

Published: 11/28/2017
Categories: Episode

Your cat’s whiskers and ears indicate its mood, and something they do with their eyes, is considered a show of affection. Dogs clearly let you know when they are nervous or uneasy by doing these two things. We start today’s episode by explaining these signals that help you know how your pets are feeling. See photos of these body language signs on the blog that matches this episode at www.raisingyourpaws.com.

Then, is it a good idea to play tug of war with your dog? You may have heard a number of different opinions on this matter. Jean Donaldson, a world renowned dog trainer, and the author of the book, The Culture Clash: A Revolutionary New Way of Understanding the Relationship between Humans and Domestic Dogs shares why playing “tug” is such a beneficial activity.

Plus, the reasons why certain holiday time foods are hazardous to the health of your dogs and cats.

And, are cats naturally independent and aloof? Pam Johnson-Bennett, the author of the book, Cat Wise: America’s Favorite Cat Expert Answers Your Cat Behavior Questions, offers her second truth to know about your cat’s nature that will improve your relationship with your feline.

Resources For Episode 4.

Link to see pictures of the dogs and cats spoken about during pet talk segment

Link to Jean Donaldson’s website

Link to to order Jean Donaldson’s book The Culture Clash

Link to Pam Johnson-Bennett’s Website

Link to order Pam Johnson-Bennett’s book, Cat Wise.

