Does your cat prevent you from sleeping at night or wake you up in the morning with its very loud, piercing yowls or by constant excessive meowing? In this weeks’ podcast episode, I talked about the various reasons a cat will yowl or start meowing more than usual. You...

Raising Your Paws
How To Reduce Feelings of FEAR in Your Cat. (Blog#82)
Fear and anxiety can be a big issue for cats. There is a reason we have the expression, "scaredy" cat and "fraidy" cat. You may notice the obvious times your cat acts scared of things - when at the Vets' office or if there is an abnormally loud truck that roars by...
Stop Using a Bowl To Feed Your Cat. Here’s Why! (Blog #79)
Your cat is built to use its muscles and mind to find it's meals. They are hunters by nature, quick, strong and clever. Left to hunt for their food, wild cats spend a good amount of time each day in pursuit of dinner. Not so much for our pet cats. We call them to...
Why Exactly Does My Cat Have To Scratch on Things? (Blog #78)
It's always good to visit the issue of a cats need to scratch. Since they will always do this and much conflict occurs when your feline chooses your favorite chair, it's best to fully understand this behavior. It is a common belief that when your cat scratches the...
How to Tell Your Dog’s Age in Human Years. (Blog #77)
We like to compare our pets ages to ours - wondering how old they would be in human years. Forget the old information - every one year of your dog or cats life, is equivlent to 7 of ours. That is very outdated. Currently, the newer estimate for cats is at one year,...
Top Two Things to Do With Newly Adopted Pets
(Photo Credit: ''A Sound Beginning") Above is the segment from Twin Cities Live where Susan and Elizabeth discussed Pet Adoption. As exciting an occasion it is to bring home a newly adopted pet, it can be a very stressful experience for the dog or cat with everything...
How To Know If Your Cats Consider Themselves Friends (Blog #72)
There are tell-tale signs that your multiple cats will exhibit that let you know if they consider themselves friends or enemies. Of course, it may be obvious to you that two of your cats are getting along. They play nicely, may groom each other and often will sleep...