It’s always good to know exactly who is going to make dinner.
Right now, I’m talking about who makes your pet’s breakfast, lunches or dinners. In the case of the NutriSource/Pure Vita/Natural Planet brands of pet foods, then, you’ll be happy to know that it’s a family who is making your pet’s meals – the Nelson family from Perham (pronounced Per-um,) Minnesota. This is where the family lives and the kitchen, I mean, the very large manufacturing plant, is located. (*see free promotion below)
It’s time to get to know the Nelson family, the people behind the company – who they are, and what they care about, besides making pet food, of course.
Let’s start with meeting Charlie Nelson, the president of the company, who is the third generation of Nelsons to be in that role.
Listen to the latest episode of the Raising Your Paws podcast, (episode 51), to hear Charlie tell the stories of his grandfather and father, why their manufacturing company is called ‘”Tuffy’s,” the route he took from playing professional baseball to coming back home to work the family business and how this family owned company is going to improve the lives of many sick, hospitalized children starting this coming winter (2019) with the help of one very special dog.
* If you haven’t tried NutriSource or Pure Vita brands of dog and cat food, and even if you have, you might want to participate in this nice promotion we’re offering for anyone to win a free large bag of dog or cat food. All you’ve got to do is leave a comment below. We’d like some feedback about the latest episode of the podcast (number 51) and/or you can ask a question or tell me your story about your pets – that relates to the episode. Ah, another reason to listen to the show.
For those who do write, we’ll randomly select three people to send a large bag of free NutriSource dog food, and three more people to send a large bag of free NutriSource cat food. (When you send your comment, you’ll be including your e-mail address so we know how to get in contact to send you the food.)
Full Show Notes for Raising Your Paws Podcast Episode #51.
Title: Teach Your Dog to Stop Begging & How A Pet Food Company Helps Children Battle Cancer.
Does your dog annoy you when it begs for one more treat, or pushes your hand so that you continue petting its back, or bark at you to throw the ball just once more? In this episode, I’ll explain how to teach the cue, “enough” which means they are to stop doing whatever rather demanding behavior they are doing and leave you alone.
Then, meet the family behind NutriSource and why in addition to manufacturing pet food, the company is dedicated to helping children that are hospitalized or battling cancer. My guest is Charlie Nelson, the third generation president of NutriSource Pet Foods, from Perham, Minnesota. Charlie tells stories about his background playing professional baseball and how they got involved with an organization that started from a promise between a father and a child with cancer. Then, hear about the Nelson family’s latest cause, placing a full-time therapy dog, who will be named after their grandfather who started the business, in a Children’s hospital.
Plus, have you begun a new relationship, spending a lot of time together at your place, or perhaps recently gotten married? All is going really well but does your cat acts like it hates your new partner? Growling or acting aggressively? You may think it’s because your cat is jealous – your cat is upset – but it is not because of the time you’re spending with the new person. Your cat is feeling anxiety and fear. Find out the reasons why and what you can do to change your cat’s feelings about your partner so they stop hissing and start bonding with them.
Additional Resources for the Show.
Source for story about teaching your dog not to beg: “The Other End of the Leash” by Patricia B. McConnell, PH.D.
NutriSource Pet Foods Website.

Charlie Nelson, President of KLN Family Brands. (NutriSource Pet Foods and Kenny’s Candy and Confections.)
Source for story about when cat hates partner: “Think Like a Cat” by Pam Johnson-Bennett.