Full Show Notes for the Episode.
Introduction Timestamps: 00:00 – 01:17
Segment 1: 01:20 – 10:42
Does your cat start yowling or meowing excessively in the early mornings or late at night? This can be very annoying, I know. Why do cats make this loud, piercing sound and what can be done to stop it? I’ll explain a number of reasons why cats may start excessive vocalization and what to do, during this episode and then in more detail on the companion blog.
Segment 2: 10:44 – 45:19
I have heard that it is important that your dog respect you. I know Rosy, my part Shetland sheepdog/German shepherd mix loves me, and mostly listens to me, but respects me? I don’t know. What does it mean for a dog to respect a person and what does it look like? My guest, Dan Abdelnoor, founder of The Online Dog Trainer, author, speaker, dog trainer and behavior specialist, knows what respect means from a dog’s point of view and how you can start earning it from your canine. You can see the video of our conversation on the website, www.raisingyourpaws.com on the episode page for no. 93.
Segment 3: 45:22 – 49:45
Then this week’s Creature Feature is about a dog that figured out exactly what to do that saved his person life.
Additional Resources for the Show.
Source for the story about cat’s yowling: The Cat Whisperer by Mieshelle Nagelschnieder and Why Does My Cat Do That? By Catherine Davidson.

Doggy Dan and Little Inca.
Doggy Dan’s website: The Online Dog Trainer.com.
Kindle Version of the book “What the Dogs Taught Me About Being A Parent” by Doggy Dan.
Source for the creature Feature: Amazing But True Dog Tales, by Bruce Nash and Allan Zullo, Compiled by Muriel MacFarlane.