Full Show Notes for episode 90.
Introduction Timestamps: 00:00 – 01:21
Segment 1: 1:23 – 9:48
The difference in effectively training large versus small dogs, has more to do with your technique and what is required from you, rather than their abilities. The mechanics of training large and small dogs stay the same, but there are subtle differences in how you train, that can get in the way of success or guarantee it. In this episode, I’ll offer three training tips for small breeds having to do with the position of your body, the size of their tummies and the additional time and patience that may be required from you to teach them some simple behaviors.

While training a small dog, it helps to sit at their level.
Segment 2: 9:50 – 26:08
Do you have a dog that’s behavior is so bad that it is causing havoc in the home or damaging relationships with other people in your life? Maybe you tried training the pooch yourself, but it seems like it is useless. Should you call in some outside help and get a dog trainer but don’t know what to look for, or how to find a good one? This is the exact problem my guest, Louie Torres, experienced. He is the CEO and founder of Unleashed Consulting, a company that helps dog trainers grow their businesses, and he’ll tell you his story about a badly behaved Chihuahua, not being able to find a trainer that would work with the dog, and the journey that finally led to him identifying and working with the perfect trainer that changed the dog’s behavior, Louie’s life, and even his business!

Possible fear aggression exhibited by this dog.

Is your dog a bit destructive?
Segment 3: 26:10 – 32:20
In this week’s Creature Feature, you’ll hear a story that I can really relate to. About a man who had a problem with an outside plumbing pipe that resulted in his house being flooded. This happened to me recently, but the causes were very different. Mine was a block in the pipe that I had no control over, his was a choice he made – in order to save the life of seven puppies.
About the creature features, the animal stories I’ve been telling you, I’d love to get your feedback about them – if you like this feature and would like me to continue them. Please write me a comment on the episode or blog pages on the website, raisingyourpaws.com. Or you can write me at susan@raisingyourpaws.com. For taking the time to leave a comment, I’ll randomly select a number of people and send a coupon for a free bag of NutriSource pet food.
Additional Resources for the show.
Louie Torres’s Unleashed Consulting Website.

Louis Torres, CEO and Founder of Unleashed Consulting, with Alfie.
Source for the Creature Feature Story: Amazing but True Dog Tales by Bruce Nash and Allan Zullo. Compiled by Muriel MacFarlane.