Full Show Notes.
Introduction Timestamps: 00:00 – 1:20
Segment 1: 1:22 – 8:17
First, I want to give you an update on how Rosy is doing since I wrote the blog, #106 telling you about her diagnosis of cancer.
Segment 2: 8:20 – 32:23
Then, I have heard that it is not uncommon for dogs to lose their hearing as they age. This got me thinking – this could happen with Rosy and I wondered what it would mean for taking care of her. So, I looked up a website I had heard about recently, called Deaf Dogs Rock as well as their social media pages. There is gobs of handy tips and things to know if you have a deaf dog or one that is losing its hearing. Having never known much about this, and being impressed by this great website resource, I asked the founder and president of Deaf Dogs Rock, Christina Lee to tell her story on the show. What it is like to have a deaf dog and what are some important things to know about deaf dogs.
Here are some photos that accompany the conversation I had with Christina Lee.

Nitro. Christina and Chris Lee’s first deaf puppy.

Look at Nitro’s differently colored eyes!

All of Christina and Chris’s current dogs. All are deaf but one dog.
Segment 3: 32:25 – 39:03
Can male cats still spray if they have been neutered? Yes they can. Maybe you’ve noticed a new pungent smell in your house or perhaps even seen your cat spraying on your furniture or backing up to your walls with their tail sticking up and depositing a small amount of urine on the wall. How can this happen, you might be thinking? My vet told me that once they are neutered that is not supposed to happen. Though telling the story of my cat Willie who took to spraying in all the corners of my new house even though he had been neutered years before, I’ll explain a number of the reasons why cats may begin to spray and what you can do to stop it.
It’s time for us to select the two people to win three months of free pet food that was part of celebrating our reaching our 100 episode. Thank you for everyone who left a comment on our website or Facebook page during the promotion period. We’ll be putting your names in the hat and randomly selecting two people to win either the free dog or cat food. We’ll be getting in contact with you if your name is pulled. Good luck.
Additional Resources for the Show.

Christina and Chris Lee plus Nitro. (Photo by Kenn Bell)
Here are links to the resources Christina Lee mentioned during our conversation.
A video with American Sign Language Interpreter – Alisha McGraw