Raising Your Paws Podcast episode 018.

Listen here: How to Read Your Dog’s Tail & Knowing a Dog Breed’s Original Purpose Explains their Behavior.


Full Show Notes for This Episode.

Lorsqu’un chien remue la queue, il est courant de supposer qu’il se sent heureux et amical. Il y a des moments où ce n’est pas du tout le cas. Découvrez comment interpréter la queue d'un chien, puis découvrez quand un mouvement peut signifier que votre chien a peur, est menacé ou est anxieux.

Ensuite, nous démystifierons d'autres ingrédients contenus dans les aliments pour animaux de compagnie et expliquerons la différence entre les farines protéinées et les sous-produits, qu'est-ce que le yucca schidigera et bien plus encore.

You can call Genie Beur, Director of Customer Service, at NutriSource Pet Foods and ask her questions about your pets and pet food ingredients. Her direct line:  218-346-8312.

Ensuite, si vous comprenez le but initial pour lequel une race particulière de chien a été élevée, cela peut expliquer comment cette race est susceptible de se comporter. Écoutez des faits amusants et indispensables sur quelques races dans la rubrique « Rencontrer une race » d'aujourd'hui.

Here are the photos of the dogs I spoke about on the podcast.

Here are some Great Danes.

Some Great Danes have cropped ears.

This is a Vizla.

Ressources pour l'épisode.

Do dogs really feel guilty?  Hear Jean Donaldson, leading dog trainer, talk about if dogs can tell the difference between right and wrong when they poop on the floor in Episode 002.  Listen to this episode here. 

We’d love to hear your comments about the podcast. You can write these at the end of our blog articles.



Blog – Dane’s Gotta Jump, Beagle’s Gotta Sniff, Lab’s Gotta Swim – a Breed’s Purpose.   

If you know what the reason a particular breed was bred for, then you will know some of the behaviors your dog may be likely to exhibit.

In episode 018 of the Raising Your Paws podcast, you can hear some of the reasons why Great Danes, Beagles and Labrador Retrievers do some of the annoying, I mean endearing things that they do.

Here’s a light hearted look at the Great Danes ability to jump.

Oh, alright, the Dane is not actually jumping that high on its own. It’s jumping on a trampoline. But they were bred to use their amazing jumping abilities.

Everyone knows that Labs love water – they were bred to jump in freezing water to collect game for hunters.

Watch this one. Walter, the dog, knows exactly where he’s going.


